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* Price shown excludes government taxes and licensing/registration fees. Mileage listings are estimates and may not accurately reflect current odometer reading. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Prices, payments and rates are subject to change without notice, please verify all information and pricing with a sales representative or ask online.

Find the Perfect Pre-Owned Vehicle at Thorncrest Ford

Interested in a quality pre-owned car, truck, or sport utility vehicle in the Etobicoke region? Give us a call today and let our team of experts find the perfect pre-owned Ford truck or SUV for you. We take great pride and care in our pre-owned vehicles that we offer for sale and our goal is to match the quality of our vehicles with the quality of our service at our pre-owned vehicle department. That means we work very hard to guarantee that our clients get personalized service from start to finish from a professional team of sales representatives who have their satisfaction at heart.

We believe that the first step to making sure that we stand out in our region is to offer the best service. We are a proud member of the Dilawri Automotive Group and we work very hard to provide our clients with all of the benefits of operating under the umbrella of Canada's largest dealership group. There are multiple advantages that include more value, a greater selection of vehicles, better financing, and special discounts and loyalty promotions that you will not find anywhere else.

Let Us Help You Find the Quality Pre-Owned Ford Truck or SUV That You Are Looking For

We offer a wide range of pre-owned trucks and SUVs from Ford as well as other top brands. We take the time to inspect the vehicle that we offer to ensure that they will exceed even the highest standards of quality and dependability. We also want to guarantee that the Ford vehicle that you are buying in our pre-owned inventory will exceed your expectations for long-term reliability and never let you down. We are proud of offering quality vehicles and we have staked our reputation on the dependability and quality of our used trucks and SUVs in stock.

Give us a call today to learn more about our impressive Ford pre-owned vehicles here in Etobicoke.